PARVOVIROSIS: What are the symptoms in the dog and how to treat

PARVOVIROSIS: What are the symptoms in the dog and how to treat

Parvovirosis is a very common disease between dogs. Therefore, it generates concerns to owners, who seek to understand what can be done to avoid it and how to treat when the little animal is sick.

However, identifying the picture at the beginning, there are effective treatments that will help the dog get healthy again.

In this text, we will explain what parvovirus is, the symptoms of this disease, if it has cure and detail how your treatment is done. Keep reading and check it out!

What is parvovirus?

dog parvovirus

Canine (or canine parvovirus) parvovirus is a disease caused by a virus that affects dogs, being highly contagious.

It is transmitted through the contact of dogs with infected feces or vomiting or contact with other dogs with the virus. Because animals use smell a lot to explore environments, contamination usually occurs through the respiratory track.

There are parvovirus vaccines – V8 and V10 – however, even vaccinated animals may end up contracting the disease. Still, it reduces the risks to dogs.

Since this disease is possibly fatal, it is essential to prevent non-vaccinated and newborn animals (which have not yet developed their immunity and have not taken all vaccines) of environments that may be contaminated.

Parvovirus can cause two types of problem in the animal’s body. The most common form of the disease is gastrointestinal (affecting the dog’s digestive system); The other is in the heart, causing an acute myocarditis (inflammation).

Parvovirosis is responsible for the sudden death of many puppies, and is a common concern of owners. Because it is a serious illness, you need to pay close attention to the manifestation of symptoms, starting treatment as soon as possible so that you can cure it.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptom of parvovirosis is diarrhea, usually with blood and a very intense odor. Normally, frequent vomiting and difficulty eating also culminates in anorexia.

In addition, other symptoms that parvovirus can cause in puppies are:

  • Fever;
  • Indisposition and weakness;
  • Dehydration;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Mucous membranes (interior of the gum and eyelids) pale;
  • Lethargy (prolonged unconsciousness).

In identifying these symptoms, especially when noticing diarrhea and blood presence in the stool, it is essential to consult a veterinarian to make the diagnosis.

These symptoms may also be due to a picture other than parvovirus. However, as this is a possibly fatal disease, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Read more: What is hypothermia and what are the symptoms?

Does canine parvovirus have a cure?

dog pill

Yup. Even though it is an infection caused by viruses and there are no medicines that act directly on these organisms, the animal can receive a symptomatic treatment that helps you resist and eliminate the virus. However, the possibility of healing depends a lot on the severity of the picture.

If it is diagnosed at first, parvovirosis will be more likely to be cured. However, if the virus remains for a long time in the dog’s body without proper treatment, the chances of healing decrease.

How is the treatment?

If the veterinarian has diagnosed the little animal with parvovirus, the first measure is to isolate it from other dogs to avoid the proliferation of the virus and streamline treatment. Usually, the dog is indicated in a veterinary clinic or hospital.

Treatment varies according to the stage of the disease, but is always symptomatic (acts on symptoms and not on virus).

The main ways to combat the disease are:

  • Fluidotherapy (liquid replacement to combat dehydration);
  • Antibiotics (to avoid secondary infections).

In fluid therapy, nutrient replacement that the animal loses with diarrhea and vomiting occurs, giving it conditions to regain immunity and combat the virus. In some cases, blood transfusion may also be required.

We need to keep the dog at absolute fasting until it is 24 hours without vomiting and excreting stools with blood.

When these symptoms cease, it is possible to start introducing a light diet gradually so that the animal starts to recover its digestive system.

Home treatment

The treatment of parvovirus should be performed by a veterinarian, who will evaluate the severity of the condition and indicate the correct way to treat it.

However, some home remedies can help keep the dog hydrated by reducing the symptoms of the disease. These treatments should only be performed with professional guidance.

If the professional guides, it is possible to prepare a homemade serum to offer the dog. This serum should be done with 1 liter of mineral water, half teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar and half lemon juice.

This serum needs to be ingested by the dog, and cannot be administered intravenously.

Offering the dog an isotonic drink or ice cubes can also help.

Read more: Homemade serum: What is it for, measures and how to do

How long does the treatment of parvovirus last?

dog treatment

During the treatment of parvovirus, the dog will eliminate viruses through the stool. Normally, symptoms take 5 to 10 days to disappear. Even with the softened symptoms, total healing takes 10 to 14 days to happen.

After this period, it is still indicated to keep the animal at rest, avoiding contact with other dogs and slowly inserting a nutritious diet, which will be indicated by the veterinarian.

Parvovirosis is a serious disease that mainly affects dogs, and it is necessary to pay close attention to their symptoms.

Even though it may be fatal, this picture has cure and should be diagnosed early to facilitate treatment. Therefore, be sure to consult a veterinarian in case of symptoms that may indicate this virus.

In this text, we presented the symptoms of parvovirus, their treatment and their characteristics.