Brown discharge (light, dark): understand what it can be

Brown discharge (light, dark): understand what it can be

Discharge is often a natural secretion of the female body. Generally, that white mucus—which can be thicker or more transparent—with no smell and no other symptoms to go with indicates that everything is working normally. However, if there are changes in the color, frequency and intensity of the discharge, especially if accompanied by pain and […]

Pink discharge: does it indicate pregnancy? See the causes

Pink discharge: does it indicate pregnancy? See the causes

Going to a gynecological appointment periodically is one of the necessary cares for a woman’s health. But in everyday life, it is important to pay attention to signs that may indicate an abnormal condition. For example, a vaginal discharge can be natural, but it can also indicate some other pathological condition. When accompanied by any […]

Delayed menstruation (days or months): understand what it can be

Delayed menstruation (days or months): understand what it can be

Most women who suffer from delayed menstruation wonder why this event. Delayed menstruation can happen for several reasons and, for each of them, there is an appropriate treatment or medication, depending on the situation or severity of the case. Therefore, this text aims to resolve any doubts and give tips on how to deal with […]

Gynecological Ointment: what is it for? See some options

Gynecological Ointment: what is it for? See some options

The genital region is a sensitive part of the body and needs some special care to stay healthy. Infections and inflammations are more likely to happen when there is no proper cleaning of the site, indiscriminate use of irritating products or imbalance of the vaginal flora. If these problems occur, there are ointments that can […]

White discharge (milky, pasty, thick): what is the cause?

Intimate health care is very important. Also, paying attention to the signals the body gives helps you identify if something may be wrong. Therefore, it is interesting to know well the functioning of the body to know what is in fact an alteration or what is a natural part of physiology. The discharge is on […]